وحدات تحكم غرفة التحكم UDWEN تدعم استكمال مشروع مركز التحكم التابع لمكتب الأرصاد الجوية بالمدينة

As climate change increasingly impacts urban life and infrastructure, accurate meteorological monitoring and data processing become critical. To enhance weather monitoring and forecasting capabilities, a city meteorological bureau recently completed a new control center project. The successful implementation relied not only on advanced technology and equipment but also on a اقرأ المزيد…

Public Security Bureau Project

UDWEN-C|جداول غرفة التحكم UDWEN تسهل الإكمال السلس لمشروع مكتب الأمن العام البلدي

UDWEN Control Room Tables Facilitate Smooth Completion of Municipal Public Security Bureau Project Introduction As society’s security demands grow, public security agencies, like the municipal public security bureau, have a vital role. Recently, they completed a significant project—the UDWEN control room—with tables playing a key role in its success. Modern اقرأ المزيد…

تعمل وحدة تحكم UDWEN-C|UDWEN على تمكين مركز محلي للتحكم في الحرائق

The UDWEN console recently proved its worth at a local fire control center, greatly improving emergency response and management efficiency. Let’s explore its deployment at the center and its impact. ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————– Deployment The local fire control center, a complex hub, requires efficient monitoring of equipment, personnel, and incidents. The UDWEN اقرأ المزيد…
